Why is My Rice Turning Pink: Causes and Preventive Measures

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At first glance, pink rice can be mesmerizing and fascinating. But once the awe dies down, you’ll be asking questions like, “Why is my rice turning pink?”

“Did I cook it wrong?”

“How do I fix it?”

“Is it spoiled?”

Let’s unravel that big why, shall we?

Bacterial Contamination

Cooked rice

The discoloration is typically caused by a microorganism called Serratia marcescens. It produces prodigiosin, a reddish-pink pigment that spreads throughout rice. 

This bacterium thrives in moist environments and high humidity. 

It can grow at temperatures ranging from 41-104°F. The presence of starch in rice also creates an ideal environment for it to grow. 

S. marcescens can contaminate rice through:

  • Water used during rice cultivation or cooking
  • Unsanitary food handling
  • Other contaminated foods or surfaces

Though not a major pathogen that can easily affect healthy individuals, the same can’t be said for immunocompromised people. 

Fungi Contamination 

Freshly cook rice

Aside from bacteria, fungi can also cause your rice to turn pink. Specifically, Fusarium species. 

These can produce red and pink pigments.

Both bacterial and fungi contamination can lead to pink discoloration when leftover rice is stored for too long. 

Other Contaminants

The Rhodotorula species can also cause pink rice. They are pink-colored yeasts that have been found in rice and other starchy foods.

Chemical Reaction 

What cookware are you using? 

A chemical reaction can happen between the pot you’re using and your rice. If you’re using aluminum, then it can be the reason why your rice is turning pink. 

The rice’s acidity reacts with the aluminum pot, causing it to turn pink. While this is not harmful, you can opt for cookware made of a different material. 


The rice you bought may have been exposed to chemicals during processing or treated with food coloring by the manufacturer. 

So, yeah, the pink shade can also be intentional. 


Rice can turn pink if you don’t store it properly. 

Keep it away from direct sunlight. And make sure you store it in dry and dark places. 

Prolonged exposure to air can also cause rice to turn pink. Therefore, make sure to store your rice in airtight containers. 

Additional Ingredients

In association with storage, did you perhaps store your rice near foods with strong pigmentations? 

Beets and tomatoes can transfer their color in high humidity conditions, and the water used in cooking can also be a factor. 

Alkaline substances can alter the pH of rice, leading to color changes. 

In some cultures, though, using lime water is intentional as it creates pink rice. 

Then, there’s the addition of beet juice to sushi rice to give it a pink color. 

Rice Variety 

The place of cultivation may have introduced certain minerals to the rice. Iron-rich soil and water can cause the harvested rice to adopt a pinkish color. 

Then, the specific type of rice can also be a factor:

Red Yeast Rice

Are you familiar with red yeast rice? 

Reddish pigment-producing fungi are deliberately used in its production. This process is famous in some Asian cuisines for food coloring. 

Madagascar Pink Rice

This is a type of rice grown in Madagascar, just off the coast of Africa. 

So yes, the pink color is natural. Madagascar pink rice has subtle hints of cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg. 

How to Fix Pink Rice? 

There’s no way to fix pink rice. 

If your rice turns pink due to microbial contamination, you shouldn’t consume it anymore. 

Unless, of course, the pack you bought is advertised as pink rice. 

How about if I wash it?

Unfortunately, washing will not eliminate the bacteria. The toxins may have already penetrated the rice grains, after all. 

How about if I cook it again?

Still a no. While cooking kills bacteria, it won’t remove the toxins that were already produced. 

Proper Course of Action

The safest option is to throw away the rice with pink discolorations. Then, make sure you disinfect the container and area where you placed or stored the contaminated rice. 

Preventing Pink Rice in the Future

  • Do regular checkups if you have stored rice. Look for any signs of discoloration or unusual odors. 
  • Store your rice in airtight containers. Find a dry and cool place.
  • Keep them away from moisture and high humidity. 
  • Leftover rice should be consumed within 3-4 days of refrigeration.

Is Pink Rice Spoiled?

Pink rice is generally considered spoiled. Consuming it can cause gastrointestinal issues for you. 

Apart from the safety concerns, rice turning pink is a clear indication of its decline in quality. 

You’ll notice an accompanying texture change or unpleasant odor, as well. 

Even if only some parts of your rice develop a pink hue, the whole batch is likely contaminated. Let’s err on the side of caution and throw it out. 

Is Pink Rice the Food of the Future?

There’s a new hybrid food in town. It’s affordable and is an eco-friendly source of protein. 

A South Korean research team is developing pink rice infused with animal cells as a form of sustainable food. 

This “hybrid rice” has 310 mg more protein per 100 g than normal rice. 

In comparison, 1 g of beef brisket has approximately 186.2 mg of protein. So, eating 100 g of hybrid rice is like eating 100 g of normal rice with 1 g of brisket. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take for rice to turn pink?

There is no definite timeline for this. Several factors influence the time it takes for your rice to turn pink: temperature, humidity, and bacterial count.

Can leftover rice turn pink in the refrigerator?

Rice turning pink in the fridge is less common than at room temperature. Still, it does happen and is once again caused by bacterial growth. 

Are certain types of rice more prone to turning pink?

The type of rice doesn’t inherently make it more prone to turning pink. The primary factor would still be bacterial contamination.

So, whether you have white rice, brown rice, or any other variety, improper handling and storage can cause your rice to turn pink. 

Why does uncooked rice turn pink? 

Your rice may have been exposed to pink chemicals or bacteria. If your uncooked rice isn’t naturally pink, then it’s contaminated. 

Replace it with another batch of fresh rice grains. 

Is red rice different from pink rice?

Red rice is actually a rice variety that gets its natural color from anthocyanins. These naturally occurring pigments are also found in berries and grapes. 

Red rice is packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 

Pink rice, on the other hand, is typically caused by bacterial growth. Consuming it can lead to food poisoning.  

What is pink mold in rice?

Nothing but a common misconception. The pink discoloration in rice isn’t actually caused by mold. 

It’s the result of bacterial growth. The responsible bacteria? Serratia marcescens. 

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